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Agency Espresso

Agency friends

I left the BBC many years ago, but they emailed me last week with an update of what's going on in the organisation, invited me to some staff events, and also asked me to help amplify their responses to some of the current controversies. I still feel connected to the organisation and keen to help out.

That's because they have mindfully created an alumni network, actively keeping in touch with former staff. They probably do this for a number of reasons โ€” maybe it'll help them recruit experienced people back into the organisation later, maybe it'll help them spread the word on BBC things. Lots of large organisations do this โ€” McKinsey is famous for the effort it puts into nurturing its alumni connections.

There's nothing particularly complex about it. Could smaller, creative agencies do the same?

Last week I wrote about the great renewal โ€” the high levels of staff turnover agencies are seeing at the moment, and how we'll look back on it as a good thing in a few years, helping us renew our agencies at a vital time.

People leaving the business is (nearly) always frustrating, and sometimes hard not to take personally, for agency leaders. It's important to acknowledge that, and accept how you feel, but then put it to one side (with some exceptions where the leaving has been extreme!)

There could be a great benefit to the agency, and to the former staff members, of actively building a network of 'agency friends'. Help them stay in touch, let them know about agency news and new jobs, offer to help in their career.

How could you build your alumni network?

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