Give yourself a gift

For 51 weeks of the year, Agency Espresso brings you a shot of inspiration to start your week as a founder.

Next week, we'll wrap up the year with a look back at the most popular reads from 2023.

But first, I want to take this one edition in the year to let you know what more I can offer you.

If what I write in Agency Espresso sets you thinking, here's how you can go further...

Being a founder often feels like you have to learn everything the hard way.

At each new twist or turn on your agency journey, you react and figure out the best approach.

But that means the business relies on you too much, which is exhausting.

You've created a very hard job, rather than a business that serves you.

And yet, it's unlikely that any of the scenarios or decisions you face are novel.

Founders will have had to deal with very similar things before you.

So, what if we could better gather and share the knowledge and experience of founders?

That's why I'm building The Agency Leaders Playbook.

I'm bringing founders together — gathering and distilling the collected knowledge and experience.

Developing practical advice, toolkits you can use, and templates that can save you time.

The Playbook is structured around two core frameworks:

  • SPARK, the AgencyOps framework, to guide you in getting everything running smoothly at the operational level, to free up your time to lead. You can use this to make the agency run well without your day to day involvement.
  • FLAME, the Agency Leadership framework, to guide your work at a higher altitude in the business, really driving growth and building an agency to be proud of. You can use this to become more proactive and effective as a leader, developing the focus, strategy and culture of the agency, and building momentum and achievement.

The Playbook used to be available just to my Virtual Non-Exec clients, but it got so much 'wow' that this year I've started to make it available more widely on its own.

In 2024, I'm going big with it.

I will make it the vital missing manual for agency founders. Something you find you just can't imagine doing without.

The price of membership will go up in the New Year, because the Playbook is growing so much — but there's a special offer to you as an Agency Espresso subscriber.

Join this week, and:

  • Lock in last year's membership price of £225/month, paid monthly — for at least the next two years.
  • Get a free place at my next masterclass (an in-depth session on how you as founder can set the agency up to handle client decision hesitancy and its impact on your pipeline), worth £350
  • Get a 1-1 'clarity call' with me, to help focus your thinking for 2024, worth £450

As ever, you can hit reply and ask me anything you like.

But my belief is that this is an offer that provides such incredible value — especially as you already know how I think about running agencies, and focus on being useful — the best thing to do is just to get your membership set up right now.

You can cancel membership at any time, so your risk is tiny for the reward — but we only had two cancellations in the whole of 2023, because people find it valuable.

But I'll go further. You have my personal guarantee: If, after regularly using the Playbook for six months, you don't feel it was worth at least double what you paid — then, not only can you cancel with no questions asked, but I'll also give you 1-1 advisory sessions to the value of double what you paid to focus on whatever your thorniest issues are, to make sure you got value for money.

You've spent all 2023 giving and giving and giving for everyone else. Now is the time to give yourself a gift.

Get the support and insight to power up your work as founder in 2024.

Come and be part of building and using The Agency Leaders Playbook.

Join now

Have a great break, and I'm raring to work with you in January.

It's going to be a transformational year.