Make some noise

In recent weeks we've discussed how to improve the way your agency works on improving itself — with ideas/internal projects/innovation time, or whatever you choose to call it.

The idea is to focus the agency's energy on the ideas that will deliver the most value, and then actually finish them.

Because there will always be more ideas than you can deliver well, it helps to:

These steps mean you end up with a rhythm to improving the way the agency works: gathering ideas, selecting ideas, working on them and finishing them.

The constraints you impose also mean that it's quite special for an idea to be selected.

So make some noise about it. Have announcements, unveilings, ceremonies and celebration as a cornerstone of the process.

You could unveil the list of ideas generated and explain the selection process; announce those that get selected; have a ceremony to launch the work on this quarter's ideas; have regular update announcements celebrating milestones; and then have a ceremony and a celebration to complete the work on the ideas (even the ones that don't work out).

Over time you'll find this approach to doing fewer things (but finishing them), and having a rhythm of ceremony around them, builds a highly-motivating momentum in the agency.

So, this week, plan in how to make some noise and sense of occasion around the current ideas in progress in your agency.