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Agency Espresso

New Year's Revolutions

It's common to start each new year with some business resolutions alongside your personal ones.

Usually, they're the work equivalent of promising to go to the gym once a week and cut back on crisps.

Each year, if you stick to them, these resolutions can create small but useful improvements.

This year, that's not enough.

Your agency will be fundamentally changed this year. Either by outside forces, or by you.

You'll have a much better year if the changes are actively driven by you, rather than just waiting to respond to what the market brings.

Be ambitious. Be bold. Be proactive.

I firmly believe that the agency owners who do big bold things to transform their agency this year — to target the next level up of clients, to break into a new market, to move up the value chain, to fundamentally reconfigure their agency for the new opportunities — will look back on this year as being the turning point that led them to a golden age.

Others will hold back, cling to the old, and suffer.

Go beyond resolutions this new year. It's time for a revolution.

Think big. Make a bang.

Here's to a fantastic 2023. Happy new year!

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