This phrase stuck with me from an enjoyable and thought-provoking conversation with respected agency non-exec and coach, Nikki Gatenby, this week.
She said most of the problems agency owners face are essentially us punching ourselves in the face.
We know what we ought to do but we don't do it.
We know what we ought not do but we keep doing it.
We know where the problems are but we don't go and deal with them.
The result is we keep feeling pain, but we don't know how to stop it.
All it takes is a bit of outside perspective — either a coach, an advisory board, or some simple prompt like this message — to make us step back, take a look, and realise that the source of the pain is actually in our control. (Hint: as the CEO, it's all in our control, one way or another)
We just have to stop punching ourselves in the face.
So what things in your agency are causing you pain this week? If you think about them a moment, are any of them down to you punching yourself in the face?
Well, maybe this is the week to stop doing that.