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Agency Espresso

Rest, reflect, re-energise

Every agency leader I've heard from in the last few weeks is frazzled.

Running an agency can be intense at the best of times, but 2021 has probably been the most intense year we've all experienced. Whether business has been booming or tough, it's been hard hard work.

But, as I've set out before, I think we're heading for a golden age for agencies.

That makes it even more important to rest over this holiday period. Hopefully you can also take some time to reflect and re-energise.

To help with that reflection and re-energising, I'm wrapping up the year with a series of blog posts, based on research with agency owners, about what makes leading an agency hard — so we can solve some of those problems. The themes that came out are:

  • Loneliness and isolation

  • Learning the hard way

  • Being stuck in reactive mode

  • The rollercoaster ride

  • The weight of responsibility

If any of these ring true for you, do read the series to unpack these problems and explore solutions to put into action next year.

This week's newsletter — my last of the year — is a special one, with lots of suggestions of articles, books and podcasts to help you get fired up again for the new year.

Agency owner inspiration for the coming year

I asked agency leaders for recommendations of books, blogs podcasts and other sources of inspiration for the year ahead. (the name in brackets is the leader who recommended it)




  • Seth Godin describes the differences between professionals and amateurs in this video. There's a lot to take from this for agency leaders, as many of us have turned our talents and passions into work. How can we improve our work, and reduce stresses on ourselves, by stepping into more professional shoes?

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