This is a new website with more space for the Playbook. Pages are still being edited and moved.
Agency Espresso
Summer Reflection: Hobbies
The summer break is often a good chance to pursue our hobbies.
Outdoorsy activities, reading, art, gaming, yarn-bombing, extreme ironing, or whatever.
It’s such a thrill to know you have a block of time to immerse yourself in things you find fascinating and fulfilling.
Things you do simply because you want to.
Now imagine if your work life was a bit more like that.
What would you work on in your agency, and how would you do it, to result in that same feeling of fascination and fulfilment?
Let your imagination run wild.
Silly ideas are great too, you never know what golden insight they may lead to.
When you return to work, what steps could you take in that direction?
What bold leaps?
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Agency Espresso
Some hard truths
In the last few years, agency founders have had to work incredibly hard just to keep their agencies afloat.
Agency Espresso
Summer Reflection: Growth
Everyone assumes it's turnover or headcount, but growth can be many things.
Agency Espresso
Summer Reflection: Waves
As a leader we keep our agency safer, and more stable, if we actively make sure the whole organisation is facing towards the big waves.