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Agency Espresso

Summer Reflection: The Agency From Ipanema

There’s a classic summer song The Girl/Boy From Ipanema.

The lyrics are about someone so attractive that, as they walk down the beach to the sea, everyone they pass turns to watch them and goes ‘ah!’ and wishes they could be with them.

They don’t try to get attention. They don’t chat people up. They don’t flirt.

They simply go about doing what they want to do.

That is the ultimate in attraction.

People often talk about marketing our agency businesses as being like dating. You need to have a great profile, to get out and chat people up, to perfect the art of the first date, and so on.

In their view, you’re the one doing the chasing. All the work.

What if your agency was just so damn attractive that clients watched you simply doing whatever you want and it turned their heads?

What if that made them want to work with you, rather than a load of meetings, slides and proposals?

That attraction is based on the purpose you set for the agency, the culture you nurture, the talent and fame of your team, the other clients you work with, the kinds of projects you do, the way you do them, what you contribute to your industry. And what else?

What would make your agency ‘the agency from Ipanema’ in your sector?

How could you start that when you get back after the summer?

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