Summer Reflections: Daydreams

This is the fourth of six summer specials of the agency leaders newsletter. In each edition, I'll suggest some prompts to think about when you get some time to yourself to think and dream about your agency. Make sure to rest lots first, but add in a day or two away from work here and there over the summer to just read and think. Creative businesses need their leaders to take this space for thinking or they stagnate.

Reflections on daydreams

Imagine you've just had the most incredibly perfect week in your agency.

What happened in this perfect week? How did you spend your time and energy specifically? What made you happy? What made it feel really productive? What did you not do in the week?

What steps can you take to make your weeks more like this?

What do you need to stop doing, and what do you need to make more time for?

What can your quiet heroes take from your desk to enable your weeks to become more like this?

What actions are you going to take to make this perfect week a reality?

Summer reading recommendation

Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman.

The opposite of a time management book, it accepts the reality of the limited time we all have. Instead of pressure to get more done, it focuses on making meaningful and rewarding use of that time.

From the blog

Some highlights from our posts for agency leaders in the last year to catch up on or revisit:

Quotes of the week

“How we spend our time is how we spend our days. How we spend our days is how our life goes. How our life goes determines whether we thought it was worth living.”
— Keith Yamashita, respected coach for CEOs of fast-growth tech companies
“Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.”
— Jim Rohn, entrepreneur and motivational speaker

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Learn vital skills for agency owners on one of our workshops, or online courses.
  2. Have your own Agency Advisory Board, to suit your agency's lifecycle stage, from only £225/mo.
  3. Give you an external expert perspective to help clarify and conquer what's rattling around your head right now. For an hour/a day of quick-fire help, or a bespoke engagement for longer term support.

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