We've been accredited for paying our taxes fairly, again

This really shouldn't be something to shout about, it should just be normal — but as it isn't, here we go...

We've been awarded the Fair Tax Mark again!

In every single year since the company was formed, Convivio has been independently accredited by the Fair Tax Foundation in order to check that we pay the right amount of tax, in the right place, at the right time.

In addition, we need to show a high level of financial transparency. You can read our most recent financial results, and see how much we've paid in tax on our public intranet, the Convivio Cookbook.

Convivio began as a digital agency that worked with the public sector. We believe that the public sector should require that all suppliers are accredited for the Fair Tax Mark, just as they often require they are accredited for ISO27001 and other standards.

Now, Convivio has changed direction and works with owners of creative and digital agencies to help them build and lead successful businesses to be proud of. We believe Fair Tax accreditation is something that every business should aspire to, and are willing to provide free help and advice to agencies who would like to know more. You can email me at steve.parks@convivio.com if you'd like to explore accreditation for your business.

Hopefully, one day, this'll be business as usual and nothing to brag about :)