Crisis and Continuity Lessons from the Pandemic

This Agency Senate Report is taken from the responses of the Agency Senate to the senate survey for December 2021.

We asked senators about what they think agency leaders have learned from the pandemic about preparing for and responding to crises, and about planning for business continuity.

We gave the following strong statement, a perspective on the topic that might commonly be expressed by an agency leader, the kind of thing you might hear in conversation with peers talking about trends or strategic positions.

Agencies have only been fire-fighting the short term impact of the pandemic. They haven’t learned any wider lessons about preparing for future crises, or developed any better processes for assessing and tracking risks, financial stability, strategic planning or business continuity.

We then asked them for their opinion on the statement, and to express their agreement on a scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree.

What is the Agency Senate?

The Senate's Opinion on
Crisis and Continuity Lessons from the Pandemic