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This section contains template board agendas to help you run effective board meetings.

The assumption is for 10 board meetings a year, with 4 of these being part of a longer in-person board retreat.

Each board meeting comprises four parts:

  • Formal board business (not necessary if this is just an advisory board). This is where you cover any business like signing off accounts, dividends, appointments, or other legal, accounting or compliance requirements.

  • Agency progress and CEO support. Reviewing current forecasts and updates. Discussing things the CEO wants a steer on.

  • A high-level review session, which rotates through the 10 areas of the SPARK AgencyOps and FLAME Agency Leadership frameworks in the Convivio Way, and one slot for an in-depth session. Feel free to choose a different order in which to cover these high-level reviews.

  • An in-depth discussion section. This could be selected from the library of in-depth board session briefings we provide, or a topic that the CEO or board has previously decided on and prepared your own briefing for.

For board retreats you can select additional sessions from the in-depth briefings or from the retreat workshop briefings to create the extended agenda.

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