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Evaluating motivations

With so many challenges facing agencies and their team members at the moment, it's more important than ever to ensure motivation is high in order to be able to focus the necessary energy from the team in a clear and positive direction.


In this board session the aim is to:

  1. Review the motivations identified for the agency's team if the Pyramid of Purpose has already been defined for the business; OR to do an exercise to identify a draft set of motivations that can be the starter for discussion. (You don't need to use the Pyramid of Purpose in your agency to do this board session)

  2. Identify priorities, and the health levels of each motivation

  3. Discuss ways to improve the low scores


Motivation doesn't come from performative happiness, as many leaders seem to think. It's not about cakes, parties, drinks after work, and 'chin up'.

You don't have to pretend everything is always amaaaazing!

Genuine and sustainable motivation is also not about external motivators such as bonuses, prizes, gifts, fancy job titles and so on. And it's definitely not about avoiding punishments or telling-off. Those can create short-term spikes in motivation, like a sugar high, but there's a crash back down later.

Plus, an agency who motivates staff in this way risks having them recruited away by other companies who only have to give x% more bonus, or a slightly fancier sounding job title.

When people are genuinely motivated, in a lasting way, it comes from having their deepest needs served through their work for the company.

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