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CEO coaching
The CEO your agency needs for its future challenges will be slightly different to the CEO it needed previously. That's the nature of a business evolving and growing.
Within the company, there will be a professional development programme for staff to help them learn and shape up for the future needs of the business and their careers.
But a CEO has the freedom and responsibility to design and undertake their own professional development.
The Advisory Board, therefore, plays a vital coaching role in helping them get broader perspective on their future development needs.
In this session the board will develop an outline of the ideal knowledge, capabilities and mastery of its future CEO.
Then they will identify areas for professional development and suggest ideas to
The aim is not to develop and agree the CEO's professional development plan. That is for them to do. The role of the board is to provide them with external insight and inspiration to feed into their planning.
The CEO may then wish to bring their plan back to the board for feedback at a future meeting.
An entrepreneurial creative or digital agency is continuously evolving. It will handle changing client needs, market forces, societal trends, economic factors, and more.
The problems that the organisation will be tackling, the opportunities it will be chasing, and the nature of the organisation itself will be different in a year from now. And again in the year after that.
Therefore, it's essential that the leader of this organisation is evolving too.
The knowledge and skills to lead a 75 person agency are different to leading a 30 person agency, which are different to those for leading a 10 person agency.
The capabilities required to lead an organisation that will be trusted and engaged by your future dream clients are different to those that your past clients needed.
Yet many CEOs fail to take the time to think, plan and act on their own professional development.
They end up being the yesterday leader of tomorrow's business. And that can be highly problematic.
So, successful CEOs keep a regular eye on the future they envisage for their agency, and then honestly appraise how they need to develop themselves in order to lead that agency.