Should I consider OKRs?

The most important thing to decide first of all is whether you should even consider OKRs in the first place. They may not fit in your business, or you may think their benefits are not necessary.

To help you decide that, the following is an outline of the main reasons why you might consider OKRs.

1. OKRs increase your team's coherence

When setting your OKRs, you should come to a single objective for the next year or next quarter. (Sometimes, businesses need more than one OKR for a quarter — we'll discuss the reasons, and the hazards and drawbacks of this below.)

This gives the first benefit of OKRs — by having a single thing for the business to focus on, OKRs should increase the coherence of the work being done by your team. The jargon business term is 'alignment' — the things that people do should in line with achieving the Objective of your current OKR.