1. Everything has changed on a global scale, and it’s not going to just be a case of going back to how things were as the aftershocks of the crisis abate.
  2. The pandemic has accelerated many global-scale changes that were already happening, such as the digitisation of everyday life for online everything, and the momentum of these is likely to continue. Others, such as collective efforts for addressing the climate crisis, have been slowed or stopped completely.
  3. The change of US President has renewed US international leadership, seeing a return to collaborative problem solving on a number of global-scale issues, including climate change, a series of international conflicts, and the focus on global coronavirus vaccination efforts, with particular concern for vaccine-struggling nations. This cooperation has accelerated the path to recovery.
  4. President Biden has also introduced a series of policies and programmes focused on America investing its way out of crisis, so the US economy is already accelerating ahead of other economies whose leaders are focusing on cutting spending. The US economy will be running very hot for the next few years.