The Agency Senate

The Agency Senate is an invitation-only group of 100 experienced agency leaders who share their insights, opinions and experience on topics and trends that matter for agencies.

Members of the Agency Senate do this through a short survey roughly once a month, plus occasional roundtables and interviews. Senators then have early access to key insights from the collective wisdom of the Senate, and these insights inform other agency leaders and the wider business world through further in-depth analysis.

The Agency Senate is co-ordinated by Dr Joe Baker, Chief Research Officer for Convivio.

The composition of the Agency Senate

The calibre of the Senate is astonishing. We're quite taken aback by the collected wisdom and experience that the group represents already.

We’re purposefully drawing together a broad and balanced group of people:

  • balanced in types and sectors;
  • balanced in geographies (i.e. not just North America, or Europe, or the United Kingdom);
  • balanced in demographics;
  • balanced in agency sizes;
  • balanced in agency longevity;

and so on.

On some of those aspects the Senate is pretty diverse already. On others, it's not so easy to get the balance we'd like, but we’re working hard to broaden the representation.

Who makes up the Agency Senate?

Here’s some more about the Agency Senate. For anything else you want to know, please do ask me.

What is the Agency Senate about?

The Agency Senate is an invitation-only group of wise leaders in the agency world, with important views and insights into topics and trends that matter in agency leadership.

It’s a forum to speak from experience and have your say on the issues that matter in leadership. The views and opinions of senators shapes the briefings and assessments in important publications like the half-yearly Radar Report.

What would being a senator involve?

Roughly once a month we’ll ask your thoughts on a set of key topics in a simple survey. It will never take long to fill out, promise, but it will allow you to have your say on the big issues that matter to agency leaders.

Senators will get access to the early insights from surveys, which you should find both interesting and useful as you lead your business. The full analysis will be published in briefings and reports on Agency Radar, where Senators who are subscribers will be able to access them.

Anything else?

We’ll publish interviews with senators from time to time, to hear interesting or inspiring leadership stories, or insights from specialist or experienced leaders on key topics.

We’ll also invite senators as guests onto the Convivio Agency Leaders podcast.

From time to time we’ll be holding roundtable discussions on key issues exclusively for Agency Senate members.

What sort of topics are covered in the surveys to the Senate?

We’ll ask some things about your predictions for the future, e.g. do you think agencies will see staff turnover in the coming 12 months that is higher, lower or the same as normal?

We’ll ask some things about larger-scale issues, about global events, political and economic issues, or technology or market trends, maybe, e.g. what effect do you expect the climate crisis to have in your sector?

We’ll also ask about things related to the adoption or interest in certain ways of working or tools to use, to uncover what is current best practice.

They’re the kind of questions where it can be really useful to gather the wisdom of the crowd and share the results back to agency leaders.

What happens with the results?

Everyone taking part gets the aggregated anonymous results with early insights for free. We do further in-depth analysis that feeds into our detailed Agency Radar briefings. We also plan to use the results to campaign and bring attention to the agency sector and its needs.

Your voice will have an important influence on the agency world.

None of the identifiable data about you or your agency will be shared or sold, ever. It’s only for use in compiling our reports and sharing with agencies from the aggregated results. If something you say could be used in a quote, we will always ask you first for your approval.

What if there are questions in one of the surveys I don’t want to answer?

That’s fine, no question is obligatory. We won’t be asking anything sensitive anyway, but you can always leave things blank.

Can I tell people about my membership of the Agency Senate?

Yes, of course, you would be very welcome to include your involvement in any of your public profiles, online or elsewhere.